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October 26 to 27, 2011, Berlin

Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Award of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for Marie Curie

In collaboration with the german-polish culture society Polonica e.V. Berlin our institute organizes a two-day meeting in honor of Maria Skłodowska-Curie.

The first day takes place in the House of the European Parliament, Unter den Linden 78, and is dedicated to the life and work of the first lady of radioactivity. Experts give presentations in the areas of chemistry and medicine. The day ends with a photo exhibition and the theatre piece "Radiation".

The second day is under the motto „Quo vadis, Energy?” and takes place in the Amerika house, Hardenbergstraße 22. Speakers of solar-, wind- and nuclear energy give presentations and talk about the future of the energy supply in Germany and Poland. Piano music and songs finish the event.

The event is under the patronage of the EU commissioner and head of the EU development commission Prof. Dr. Danuta Hübner.

More informations, also for the registration, can be found on the website www.e-aviso.eu.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Haus des Europäisches Parlaments, Unter den Linden 78, 10117 Berlin
9:00 - 10:30 Visit of the world novelty "CyberKnife®" in the Charité
Dr. med. Carmen Stromberger
11:00 Registration
11:30 Biographic film about Maria Skłodowska Curie
Director: Bohdan Rączkowski, TVP, german
12:00 Opening of the conference
Dipl.-Ing. Aleksandra Proscewicz, Polonica e.V.
Prof. Dr. Slawomir Jarosz, IChO, PAN
Prof. Dr. Konrad Czerski, Uni Stettin, TU Berlin, Institut für Festkörper-Kernphysik Berlin
12:10 Welcome note by Wojciech Pomianowski, delegate of the Federal Foreign Office, consultant for german-polish affairs
12:15 Welcome note under the Oder partnership programme by
Prof. Dr. Jörg Steinbach, president of the Technical University Berlin
Prof. Dr. Andrzej Witkowski, president of the University of Stettin
Prof. Dr. R. Kalenczuk, president of the Technical University of Stettin
12:30 Prof. Dr. Konrad Czerski, Uni Stettin / TU Berlin
Wissenschaftliche Bedeutung der Radioaktivität - vom Polonium zum Plutonium
13:00 Coffee break
Part I -- Chemistry
13:15 Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Dietrich Knorr
Oder-Partnerschaft im Bereich Energie und Ernährung
13:25 Prof. Michael Giersig, FU Berlin
Physik, Chemie, Medizin - Von der Radiologie zur Nanotechnologie
14:00 Prof. Janusz Jurczak, IChO Warsaw
Polnische Chemie in der Welt
14:20 Prof. Dorota Gryko, IChO, Polish Academia of Science
Vitamine B12 - nicht nur Vitamine
14:40 Discussion
14:50 Buffet
Part II -- Medicine
15:20 Prof. Andrzej Kulakowski, Vorsitzende der MSC-Gesellschaft, Institut der Onkologie in Warschau
Die Bedeutung der Entdeckungen von MSC in Radiologie und der Onkologie
15:40 Prof. Dr. Maria Amélia Rauter, Uni Lissabon/Portugal
Glykochemie, molekulare Bausteine gegen degenerative Krankheiten
16:00 Prof. Dr. E. Mijowska, TU Stettin
Molecular Nanostructures for Nanomedicine and Electronics
16:20 Dr. Götz Ruprecht, Institute for Solid-State Nuclear Physics Berlin
Gesundheitliche Wirkung von Radioaktivität: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Tschernobyl und Fukushima
16:40 Discussion
Part III
16:50 Coffee break and rerun:
Biographic film about Maria Skłodowska Curie
17:20 Diskussion with Bohdan Rączkowski, director of the film about Maria Skłodowska Curie
18:00 Stage play „Die Strahlen”
Director: Kazimierz Braun
Actors: Maria Nowotarska and Agata Pilitowska
Polish Theatre of Toronto
With polish und english captions
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Amerika-Haus, Hardenbergstraße 22, 10623 Berlin
Part IV -- Quo vadis, Energie?
9:30 Welcome note
9:40 Prof. Dr. Konrad Czerski, Uni Stettin / TU Berlin
Steigender Weltenergieverbrauch – erwarten wir eine Energiekrise?
10:00 Holger Gassner, RWE Innogy GmbH
Beitrag der erneuerbaren Energien zur zukünftigen Energieversorgung aus Sicht eines Versorgungsunternehmens
10:30 Dr. Götz Ruprecht, Institute for Solid-State Nuclear Physics Berlin
Nachhaltigkeit, regenerativ und erneuerbar - Was steckt dahinter?
10:50 Tina Zierul, E.ON
Energiewende von der Nordsee bis Nordafrika
11:10 Prof. Dr. Isaak Lamba, Ambassador of Malawi
Renewable Energy: Focus on Malawi
11:30 Discussion
11:35 Coffee break
11:50 Jerzy Niczyporuk, ICPPC, England and Poland
Perspektiven für ausgewogene Energiewirtschaft und Präsententation eines Ökozentrums von Sir Julian Rose und Jadwiga Lopata
12:10 Jürgen Stemke, Piratenpartei
Konzepte zur Energiepolitik
12:20 Arkadiusz Roman, embassy counselor of the department of economics of the Polish Embassy
Energiepolitik Polens
12:40 Prof. Dr. Mariusz Dabrowski, Uni Stettin, representative for nuclear energy of West Pomerania, Poland
Energy policy of West Pomerania
13:00 Ursula Heinen-Esser, MdB, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Energiewende in Deutschland
13:20 Buffet
14:00 Alan Beard, GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Ltd.
Kernreaktoren der 3. Generation
14:15 Stephan Krüger, AREVA Nuclear Power GmbH
EPR, Safety in the Post-Fukushima Context (german)
14:30 Henning Heidemanns, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economy and European Affairs of Brandenburg
Die Energie- und Klimapolitik des Landes Brandenburg
14:40 Dr. Armin Huke, Institute for Solid-State Nuclear Physics / TU Berlin
Innovative Kernenergietechniken
15:10 Panel discussion
16:00 Jazz and Soul
Mezzosoprano: Gwendolyn Reid, USA
Piano accompaniment: Johannes Kerathold

Works of Frédéric Chopin
Piano: Maximilian Szadziul